NOVELL TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE: Enhanced NBACKUP for NetWare 386 v3.0 DOCUMENT ID: TID000203 DOCUMENT REVISION: A DATE: 01JUL93 ALERT STATUS: Yellow INFORMATION TYPE: Symptom Solution README FOR: NBCKUP.EXE NOVELL PRODUCT and VERSION: NetWare Pre 3.11 and 2.2 ABSTRACT: This file contains the enhanced NBACKUP utility for NetWare v3.0. These enhancements include SAVE and RESTORE session files, fast seek RESTORE, and other commands. The NBACKUP v1.1 documentation has been added to the file. _________________________________________________________________ DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES EVERY EFFORT WITHIN ITS MEANS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. _________________________________________________________________ Self-Extracting File Name: NBCKUP.EXE Files Included Size Date Time NBCKUP.TXT (This File) NBACKUP.COM 10262 12-08-89 5:02p SELDIBI.OVL 54250 12-08-89 5:03p SELDIBI.HLP 229 6-24-89 3:45p DIBI$DRV.DAT 30 6-29-89 8:53p WANGTEK.EXE 22950 12-08-89 5:04p NBACKUP.EXE 290316 12-08-89 5:10p NBACKUP.HLP 34654 12-05-89 11:08a NBACKUP.OVL 286034 12-08-89 5:16p Menu Utility NBACKUP Why use NBACKUP? Use NBACKUP to back up and restore data on file servers and local drives. Rights Regular network users can use NBACKUP to back up information on directories where they have Search and Read rights. To restore information, they need Create, Delete, Search, Modify, and Write rights. Only SUPERVISOR or a supervisor-equivalent can back up a file server. What you can do NBACKUP's "Main Menu" lists the tasks you can do. ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º Main Menu º ÌÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͹ º ³Change Current Server º º ³Backup Options º º ³Restore Options º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ Change current server This option appears in the menu but has no effect for a single-server network. Backup options Back up the file server 164 Back up directories 169 View the error log 176 View the backup log 177 Restore options Restore backed-up data 178 View the error log 183 View the backup log 184 Rules for running NBACKUP þ You must run NBACKUP from a workstation on your network. The workstation remains on and dedicated to backing up until the backup is complete. þ You must restore to the system type from which you backed up. For example, if you backed up a local drive, you must restore to a local drive; if you backed up a NetWare v2.12 system, you must restore to a NetWare v2.12 system, and so on. þ Using DOS devices. You can back up data to any DOS read-write device. Because the backup and restore processes write, read, and rewrite some of the data, the media must be able to update or change information already on the media. The following types of devices can be used: þ Workstation floppy drives þ Tape drives that have a DOS device driver þ Optical drives that have a DOS device driver and are read-write devices The following devices can also be used: þ Workstation hard disks þ Network drives þ An optical disk for a WORM drive that has a DOS device driver þ Typing in filenames. You can type DOS filenames in upper or lower case. þ Using non-DOS devices. You can also back up data to non-DOS devices. The current drivers for these devices are listed in the DIBI$DRV.DAT file (in SYS:PUBLIC). A driver and device list is the first menu displayed when you run NBACKUP. Selecting the device from the list automatically links the driver (an .EXE file in SYS:PUBLIC) with NBACKUP. As other device drivers become available, updates to the DIBI$DRV.DAT file and the .EXE driver files become available on NetWire. Copy them to SYS:PUBLIC as you need them. Consult your Novell Authorized Reseller or NetWire for additional devices that can be used with NBACKUP. Note:If you will use only DOS devices, move the DIBI$DRV.DAT file from your search path. Then you will not have to select the device method each time you enter NBACKUP. Back up the file server You must be SUPERVISOR or equivalent to back up an entire file server. This procedure backs up your file server in one session. If you need to use more than one DOS device (for example, more than one network drive), you must use the multiple session options. See "Back up directories" on page 169 for the required steps. If you are using a specific device (Wangtek tape drive, for example), you must use a new cartridge every time you start a new backup session. When you start a new session, the tape automatically rewinds to the start of the tape. Any data that already exists on the cartridge will be overwritten. Note: NBACKUP does not back up hidden and system directories on NetWare v2.1x file servers. If you have hidden or system directories on a NetWare v2.1x system, you must change the attributes to make the directories visible before you back them up. 1. Enter NBACKUP and select the device method you will use to back up data. 2. When the "Main Menu" appears, select "Backup Options." 3. Choose "Select Working Directory" from the "Backup Menu." þ What is a working directory? The working directory stores two session files: one contains a backup log (????$ and the other contains an error log (????$ of each backup session. You can choose a local drive, a network drive, or the storage media for your working directory. If your session files were generated with this version of NBACKUP, you can restore them from the storage media and recover your data. If they were generated with older versions, you can rebuild them. 4. Enter the working directory path by completing one of the following: þ Type the directory path in the entry box and press . þ Press to select a directory from a list. 5. Select "Backup File Server" from the "Main Menu." The "Backup Options" window appears. "Session Description" and "Destination Directory" must be filled in. If you chose a specific device (Wangtek, for example), the destination directory is selected automatically. All the other options have default values, as shown in the sample below. See the option descriptions after the sample screen. ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º Backup Options º ÌÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͹ º Session Description: º º º º Backup Bindery Yes º º Backup Trustees: Yes º º Modified Files Only: Yes º º Files to Include: All º º Files to Exclude: None º º Directories To Exclude: None º º Backup Hidden Files: No º º Backup System Files: No º º Destination Directory: º º º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ þ Session description. Press and type a description of what you are backing up. This option identifies the backup session. If you are making multiple backups, give each one a unique description. þ Backup bindery. This option determines whether the bindery is backed up in this session. Default: Yes þ Backup trustees. This option determines whether the trustee assignments granted to directories and files are backed up automatically. Default: Yes þ Modified files only. This option allows you to back up only the files that have been modified since the last backup. Default: Yes þ Files to include. This option allows you to back up only selected files. Default: All To back up only selected files, highlight the field and press . Press and type a filename in the "Files to Include" entry box. Press . Repeat this process to add other filenames. You can also use wildcard characters with DOS filenames to designate multiple files in all directories. Press when the list is complete. þ Files to exclude. Use this option to prevent files from being backed up. "Files to Exclude" overrides "Files to Include," so if a file appears in both lists, the file is not backed up. Default: None To exclude selected files, highlight the field and press . Press and type a filename in the "Files to Exclude" entry box. Press . Repeat this process to add other filenames. You can also use wildcard characters to designate multiple files in all directories. þ Directories to include. This option allows you to back up only selected directories. Default: All To back up only selected directories, highlight the field and press . Press and type a directory name in the "Directories to Include" entry box. Press . Repeat this process to add other directories. Press when the list is complete. þ Directories to exclude. Use this option to prevent selected directories from being backed up. Default: None To exclude directories, highlight the field and press . Press and type a full directory path in the "Directories to Exclude" entry box. Press . Repeat this process to add other directories. Press when the list is complete. þ Backup hidden files. Use this option to back up hidden files. Default: No þ Backup system files. Use this option to back up system files. Default: No þ Destination directory. The destination directory is the location of your DOS device. It can be a local floppy drive, a local hard drive, or a local tape drive. If you chose a specific device (Wangtek, for example), the destination directory is selected automatically. Highlight the "Destination Directory" field and press . Complete one of the following: þ Type the directory path for the DOS device in the entry box and press . þ Press to select the directory path from a list of local drives. 6. When you have completed the "Backup Options" form, press and save your changes. 7. Select "Start Backup Now" or "Start Backup Later" in the "Start Backup" window to begin. If you choose "Start Backup Later," the "Start Backup Timer" window appears. Fill in the start date and start time. Then, when you press , the workstation stays dedicated until the backup is complete. Stopping a delayed backup You can press to free the workstation and abort the backup. You are prompted for your password, and the backup session aborts. If you are backing up to a media that requires changing, the session pauses and prompts you for a password and a new media. If after 30 minutes the correct password and a new disk or tape are not supplied, the backup session aborts. What you see on your screen When the backup session begins, status windows appear. These windows record what is being backed up, what has already been backed up, and how much time has elapsed in the backup session. The window at the bottom of the screen records errors that occur during the backup. If you are using a removable medium, the "Media ID" field displays the current cartridge number. For example, if you are using tapes, the Media ID number indicates which tape is currently in use. Each new tape is given an incremented number. Label the cartridges as you insert them so you'll know which order they need to be in when you restore the data. As long as the bar in the "Activity" line is changing, the backup is still in process. When the session is complete, press to return to the "Backup Menu." If you received error messages during the backup session, see "View the error log" on page 176. Ending a timed backup. When a time-delayed backup ends, you are prompted for the file server password. If the correct password is not supplied within 30 minutes, you are logged out. Back up directories Select this option from NBACKUP's "Main Menu" to backup certain directories from your file server. If you want to back up an entire file server, and your storage device has enough storage to do so, see "Back up the file server" on page 164. Otherwise, follow the instructions on the following pages to select directories for each session. If you need to use more than one DOS device (for example, more than one network drive), you must use multiple sessions. This means dividing up the network and backing up a number of directories at a time. These instructions explain how to select a number of directores and back them up. Users can use the following procedure for directories where they have Search and Read rights. If you are using a specific device (Wangtek, for example), you must use a new cartridge every time you start a new backup session. When you start a new session, the tape automatically rewinds to the start of the tape. Any data that already exists on the cartridge will be overwritten. Note:NBACKUP does not back up hidden and system directories on NetWare v2.1x file servers. If you have hidden or system directories on NetWare v2.1x systems, you must change the attributes to make the directories visible before you back them up. 1. Enter NBACKUP and select the device method you will use to back up data. 2. When the "Main Menu" appears, select "Backup Options." 3. Select the "Select Working Directory" option from the "Backup Menu." þ What is a working directory? The working directory stores two session files: one contains a backup log (????$ and the other contains an error log (????$ of each backup session. You can use a local drive, a network drive, or the storage media for your working directory. If your session files were generated with this version of NBACKUP, you can rebuild or restore them from the storage media and recover your data. 4. Enter the working directory path by completing one of the following: þ Type the directory path in the entry box and press . þ Press to select a directory from a list. 5. Select "Backup By Directory" from the "Backup Menu." The "Backup Options" window appears. "Session Description" and "Destination Directory" must be filled in. If you chose a specific device (Wangtek, for example), the destination directory is selected automatically. All the other options have default values. The options are described below. ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º Backup Options º ÌÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͹ º Session Description: º º Backup Bindery: No º º Backup Subdirectories: Yes º º Backup Trustees: Yes º º Modified Files Only: Yes º º Files to Include: None º º Files to Exclude: None º º Directories to Include: All º º Directories to Exclude: None º º Backup Hidden Files: No º º Backup System Files: No º º Source Directory: º º PDSPEEDY/SYS: º º Destination Directory: º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ þ Session description. This option identifies the backup session. You must enter a description before you begin. If you are making multiple backups, give each one a unique description. The field is highlighted by default. Press and type a description of what you are backing up. þ Backup Bindery. Change this option to "Yes" if you want the bindery backed up. This option appears only if you are logged in as SUPERVISOR. Default: No þ Backup subdirectories. This option determines whether the subdirectories of the directory you select are backed up automatically with the directory. Default: Yes To cancel the backup of subdirectories, highlight the field and type N. þ Backup trustees. This option determines whether the trustee assignments granted to directories and files are backed up automatically. Default: Yes To cancel the backup of trustee assignments, highlight the field and type N. þ Modified files only. This option allows you to back up only the files that have been modified since the last backup. Default: Yes To back up all files, modified and unmodified, highlight the field and type N. þ Files to include. This option allows you to back up only selected files. Default: All To back up only selected files, highlight the field and press . Press and type a filename in the "Files to Include" entry box. Press . Repeat this process to add other filenames. You can also use wildcard characters with DOS filenames to designate multiple files in all directories. Press when the list is complete. þ Files to exclude. Use this option to prevent files from being backed up. "Files to Exclude" overrides "Files to Include," so if a file is included in both lists, the file is not backed up. Default: None To exclude selected files, highlight the field and press . Press and type a filename in the þFiles to Excludeþ entry box. Press . Repeat this process to add other filenames. You can also use wildcard characters to designate multiple files in all directories. Press when the list is complete. þ Directories to include. This option allows you to back up only selected directories. Default: All To back up only selected directories, highlight the field and press . Press and type a directory name in the "Directories to Include" entry box. Press . Repeat this process to add other directories. Press when the list is complete. þ Directories to exclude. Use this option to prevent selected directories from being backed up. Default: None To exclude directories, highlight the field and press . Press and type a full directory path in the "Directories to Exclude" entry box. Press . Repeat this process to add other directories. Press when the list is complete. þ Backup hidden files. Use this option to back up hidden files. Default: No þ Backup system files. Use this option to back up system files. Default: No þ Source directory. The source directory specifies which volume, directory, or subdirectory you are backing up. Only directories on the current server can be specified. Highlight the "Source Directory" field and press . Complete one of the following. þ Type the directory path in the entry box and press . þ Press to select the directory path from a list of directories. þ Destination directory. The destination directory is the location of your DOS device. It can be a local floppy drive, a local hard drive, or a local tape drive. If you chose a specific device (Wangtek, for example), the destination directory is selected automatically. Highlight the "Destination Directory" field and press . Complete one of the following. þ Type the directory path for the DOS device and press . þ Press to select the directory path from a list of local drives. 6. When you have completed the "Backup Options" form, press and save your changes. 7. Select "Start Backup Now" or "Start Backup Later" in the "Start Backup" window to begin. If you choose "Start Backup Later," the þStart Backup Timer" window appears. Fill in the start date and start time. Then, when you press , the workstation stays dedicated until the backup is complete. Stopping a delayed backup You can press to free the workstation and abort the backup. You are prompted for your password and the backup session is aborted. If you are backing up to a medium that requires changing, the session pauses and prompts you for a password and a new medium. If after 30 minutes the correct password and a new disk or tape are not supplied, the backup session aborts. What you see on your screen When the backup session begins, status windows appear. These windows record what is currently being backed up, what data has already been backed up, and how much time has elapsed in the backup session. The window at the bottom of the screen records any errors that occur during the backup. If you are using a removable medium, the "Media ID" field displays the current cartridge number. For example, if you are using tapes, the Media ID number indicates which tape is currently in use. Each new tape is given an incremented number. Label the cartridges as you insert them so you'll know which order they need to be in when you restore the data. As long as the bar in the "Activity" line is changing, the backup is still in process. When the session is complete, press to return to the "Backup Menu." If you received error messages during the backup session, see "View the error log" on page 176. Ending a timed backup. When a time-delayed backup ends, you are prompted for the file server password. If the password is not supplied within 30 minutes, you are logged out automatically. View the error log The error log records all errors that occur during the backup session. Some error messages are informational, and some indicate that you need to repeat the backup session. See the sections following these instructions for additional information about potential error messages. 1. Select "Backup Options" from the "Main Menu." 2. Select "View Error Log." If you have just finished a backup, a list of all backup sessions in the working directory appears. If you have just entered NBACKUP, you are prompted for the working directory. Enter the directory path you specified as your working directory for the backup session. 3. Select the backup session whose error log you want to view. Note:To delete session files, highlight the session and press . Informational messages The following errors are for your information only and do not indicate that you need to repeat the backup session. Message Meaning The file filename was not Marked after backup! The Archive bit was not removed after the file was backed up. Most files have the Archive bit cleared after they have been backed up. The file filename was not backed up because it is in use. Usually the only files that will be marked "in use" are files used by VAPs. The file filename was not backed up because it is execute-only! Files that have been flagged Execute-Only cannot be backed up. Other messages The following errors indicate that you need to repeat all or part of the backup. How much you need to repeat depends upon whether the error occurred during the bindery backup or during data backup. Message Meaning The directory directory name was not backed up because it has an illegal name! The directory does not have a valid DOS name. You must rename it. The file filename was not backed up because it has an illegal name! The file does not have a valid DOS name. You must rename it to back it up. View the backup log The backup log records the files, directories, and volumes backed up during the backup session. A backup log is created for every backup session except bindery backups. 1. Select "Backup Options" from the "Main Menu." 2. Select "View Backup Log." If you have just finished backing up, a list of all backup sessions in the working directory appears. Each session is listed by description, date, time, and source. If you have just entered NBACKUP, you are prompted for the working directory. Enter the directory path you specified as your working directory for the backup session. 3. Select the session you want to view the backup log for. The backup log lists all data backed up during the session as well as the data file name. Use the Up- and Down-arrow keys to scroll through the file. Note:To delete session files, highlight the session and press . Restore backed-up data Use the restore function of NBACKUP to restore previously backed-up data. When you restore a backup session, you must restore it to the same system type that you backed it up from. For example, if you backed up a local drive, you must restore to a local drive; if you backed up a NetWare v2.12 system, you must restore to a NetWare v2.12 system, and so on. If you want to view the contents of a backup session before you restore it, see "View the backup log" on page 177. If you need to restore the bindery and data from multiple sessions, you must restore the bindery first to restore trustee assignments. 1. Enter NBACKUP and select the type of device used to back up the data you want to restore. 2. At the "Main Menu," select "Restore Options." ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º Restore Menu º ÌÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͹ º ³Select Working Directoryº º ³Restore Session º º ³View Backup Log º º ³View Error Log º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ 3. Choose "Select Working Directory" from the "Restore Menu." The working directory must be the same working directory you used for the backup session you want to restore. 4. Enter the working directory path by completing one of the following: þ Type the directory path in the entry box and press . þ Press to select a directory path from a list. 5. Select "Restore Session" from the "Restore Menu." If the session files have been deleted or lost, press to rebuild or restore them. The session files are then restored from the last removable medium or rebuilt if necessary. 6. Select the backup session you want to restore. The "Restore Options" window appears. All the options have default values. If you selected a specific device (Wangtek, for example), the data location is specified automatically. The options are described beginning on the next page. ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º Restore Option º ÌÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͹ º Restore the Bindery No º º File Exists: Overwrite Existing File º º Files to Include: All º º Files to Exclude: None º º Directories To Include: All º º Directories To Exclude: None º º Data Location: º º º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ þ Restore the Bindery. Use this option if you to restore it the bindery. Default: No þ File exists. If you select this option, the "File Options" menu appears. The options are described below. Default: Overwrite existing file ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º File Options º ÌÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͹ º ³Do Not Overwrite º º ³Interactive º º ³Overwrite Existing Fileº º ³Rename Existing File º º ³Rename Restored File º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ Do Not Select this option if you don't Overwrite want to restore files. Interactive Select this option if you want to be prompted to restore each file. Overwrite Select this option if you want Existing Fileto overwrite existing files. This is the default option. Rename Select this option if you want Existing Fileto rename the existing file. The renamed file has a .Bnn extension. Rename Select this option if you want Restored Fileto rename the file you are restoring. The renamed file has a .Bnn extension. þ Files To Include. This option allows you to restore only selected files. Default: All To restore only selected files, highlight the field and press . Press and type a filename in the "Files to Include" entry box. Press . Repeat this process to add other filenames. You can also use wildcard characters with DOS filenames to designate multiple files in all directories. Press when the list is complete. þ Files To Exclude. Use this option to prevent selected files from being restored. "Files to Exclude" overrides "Files to Include," so if a file is included in both lists, the file is not restored. Default: None To exclude selected files, highlight the field and press . Press and type a filename in the "Files to Exclude" entry box. Press . Repeat this process to add other filenames. You can also use wildcard characters to designate multiple files in all directories. þ Directories To Include. This option lets you restore only selected directories. Default: All To restore only selected directories, highlight the field and press . Press and type a full directory path in the "Directories to Include" entry box. Press . þ Directories To Exclude. Use this option to prevent selected directories from being restored. "Directories to Exclude" overrides "Directories to Include," so if a directory is included in both lists, the directory is not restored. Default: None To exclude selected directories, highlight the field and press . Press and type a full directory path in the "Directories to Exclude" entry box. Press . Repeat this process to add other directories. þ Data Location: The data location specifies where the backup files are stored. NBACKUP reads this location out of the session files. If you selected a specific device (Wangtek, for example), the data location is specified automatically. If you have changed the location of the backup files, highlight the field and press the Modify key ( on most machines). Type the path for the new location, or press to select the path from a list. When the path is complete, press . 7. When you have completed the "Restore Options" form, press and save your changes. 8. Select "Yes" in the "Start Restore" window to begin. If you need to stop the restore session, press . As soon as the current file has been restored, a prompt appears that allows you to abort the restore session. When the restore session begins, status windows appear. These windows record what is being restored, what data has been restored, and how much time has elapsed in the restore session. The window at the bottom of the screen records any errors that occur during the restore session. As long as the bar in the "Activity" line is changing, the restore session is still in process When the session is completed, press to return to the "Restore Menu." If you received any error messages during the restore session, see "View the error log" below. View the error log The error log records all errors that occur during both the backup and restore sessions. The restore errors are appended to the existing error log for the backup session. A brief descriptor identifies where the restore errors begin. See the sections following these instructions for additional information about error messages. 1. Select "Restore Options" from the "Main Menu." Select "View Error Log." If you have just finished restoring, a list of all restore sessions in the working directory appears. If you have just entered NBACKUP, you are prompted for the working directory. Enter the directory path you specified as your working directory for the restore session. Select the restore session whose error log you want to view. To delete the session files, highlight the session and press . Error messages The following errors indicate that you need to repeat all or part of the restore session. How much you need to repeat depends on where the error occurred. Message Meaning Data must be restored to the same system version as it was backed up from! You must restore data to the same system version it was backed up from: v2.12 to v2.12, v3.0 to v3.0, etc. Cannot restore directory directory name, a file by that name already exists! If you have an existing file with the same name as a directory you're restoring, NBACKUP aborts the restore. You do not have sufficient rights to create this directory! You need Create, Delete, Search, Modify, and Write rights to restore data. View the backup log The backup log records the files, directories, and volumes backed up during the session. This log is created for every session except bindery backups. 1. Select "Restore Options" from the "Main Menu." 2. Select "View Backup Log." If you have just finished backing up, a list of all backup sessions in the working directory appears. If you have just entered NBACKUP, you are prompted for the working directory. Enter the directory path you specified as your working directory for the backup session. 3.Select the session whose backup log you want to view. The backup log lists all data backed up during the session as well as the data filename. Use the Up- and Down-arrow keys to scroll through the file. To delete session files, highlight the session and press . ÿ